Heart conditions can pose serious problems and it is great that you are focusing on dietary requirements. Your father’s diet is a key factor in preventing further problems and it can even help to reduce the severity of the condition. Doctors often recommend that heart patients include curd in their daily diet. Curd contains calcium, vitamin D, and healthy bacteria classified as probiotics that contribute to overall health. Research has shown that eating low fat curd for heart patients can be very beneficial as it reduces the risk of stroke and heart disease because it helps to prevent the thickening of carotid arteries.
These arteries are major blood vessels that supply the brain with blood. If the walls of these arteries have thickened, it will result in a reduced flow of blood to various parts of the body including the brain. You need not substitute regular curd with soya bean curd instead use low fat curd. Keep in mind that full fat curd can have a negative impact and so low fat curd is a better option.
Curd is also believed to increase the amount of good cholesterol in the body and thereby lower blood pressure and improve triglyceride levels. Curd for heart disease also ensures a healthy supply of proteins and calcium and is also low in sodium. It is also good for patients with diabetes. Curd is also known to help with weight loss and is a great low fat snack to have as it fills you up without adding on unnecessary calories. It contains calcium that contributes to a healthy bone structure and increases the amount of vitamin D in the body.
The diet for heart patients also includes lots of fruit, vegetables, and low-fat protein sources (fish, chicken, and low-fat dairy products). Foods that have a high salt content as well as saturated fats should be avoided at all costs. The more variety of fruit and vegetables you introduce in his diet, the better it is. Some examples are tomatoes, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard and fenugreek are very good for the heart. Low-fat protein sources like chicken and fish, which contains omega three fatty acids, are very good for the body. More on symptoms and causes of heart disease Soy is also a good source of protein that is beneficial for heart patients. However, before you include soy products in your father’s diet plan, make sure that you discuss it with his doctor first as there are certain studies that suggest that soy may also have negative impact on an individual’s overall health, especially in the case of men. Foods that have high levels of trans fats and saturated fats are the ones that should be avoided as these contribute to an unhealthy body and increase the risk of heart problems. Fried food, red meat, and processed foods should be steered clear of. Ensuring that your father has a good mix of all food groups will ensure his body gets balanced nutrition and therefore will ensure his good health.