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Diet For Diabetes
Can I eat cheese now that I'm a diabetic? Please suggest healthy diet for diabetes and some cheese supplements
Diabetes is one of the more common medical complications and will have serious implications on the way you live your life. The primary causes of the condition are not very well known while the instances of who is affected, and who isn’t does not seem to follow any particular pattern. One of the better known causes of the condition is hereditary – where people from families have a long history of the condition are much more likely to develop the condition. Another well known factor in the development of diabetes is an individual’s diet. An over indulgence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins are all rather harmful for the body while an overindulgence in food, as a whole, tends to hamper the performance of the pancreas and the secretion of insulin. However, there are some diabetes experts who argue that a small amount of cheese is fine and that the link between cheese and diabetes is grossly exaggerated. It is also important to keep in mind that people with diabetes have a higher chance of heart ailments and so it is important to avoid full-fat cheese. Cottage cheese and diabetes are known to be incompatible and should be avoided as much as possible though. Some of the other foods that are known to aggravate the symptoms of diabetes include vegetables that are high in starch content such as potatoes, peas and carrots while some of the more beneficial foods include unpolished rice, olive oil and small portions of sea food for their omega 3 fatty acid benefits. As a rule, most milk products are known to be bad for the condition and are known to amplify the ill effects of the same. However, when talking about cheese and diabetes, it is generally advisable that you consult your doctor with regards to specific food items and the dangers they pose. Timing of your meals is extremely important to ensure that the blood sugar levels within the bloodstream are constantly stable to avoid the symptoms from becoming prominent. Diabetes in children is not drastically different from the version of the condition that affects adults. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor to learn more about diabetes and children so that you can take adequate preventative measures. Some of the more common diabetes children symptoms include bed wetting, abdominal pain, vomiting as well as a substantially slower development in the child’s physical as well as mental ability. When a child is affected by diabetes, he or she is also likely to suffer from a number of respiratory infections and a build up of toxins in the blood – making it acidic. |
Submitted by S M on October 14, 2010 at 12:50 | |
Living with diabetes basically means adopting a healthy eating plan. This plan should be designed in such a way that it will help you control your blood sugar. Most people assume that having diabetes automatically bars them from eating certain types of food items. On the contrary having diabetes means that you eat variety of food. However the important thing to remember is that these food items should be eaten in moderation. Timing is of great essence in the life of a diabetic and he should ensure that he sticks to regular meal times. You diet should consist of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. You should try and be consistent in what you eat since your body will instantly react to the excess food that you have eaten and the excess calories and fat in them by causing a rise in the blood sugar. You diet should only have one goal – to ensure that it is low in fat and calories and rich in nutrients. If you decide on the size of the servings you eat each day, you will find that your body gets used to it and there is no problem controlling either your weight or your blood sugar. Your daily intake of food should consistent of food items that are rich in fiber. For this you should eat plenty of vegetables. Eat green leafy vegetables and other vegetables like radish and beets. You can also try varieties of legumes and beans and try and work in whole wheat breads into your daily consumption. You should try and cut down on your intake of butter, margarine and other such fatty food products. By this reasoning it may actually not be advisable for you to eat cheese now that you have been diagnosed as having diabetes. However it is advisable to consult your physical about specific food items. Your physical can assess your condition before giving you a response to your query. Other things to keep in mind when planning your diet is to eat lean meats rather than fatty ones. You should try and avid eating the yolk of eggs and opt for skim milk rather than the full cream variety. You can eat fish in place of high fat meats. Various fish like cod, halibut, salmon, and tuna can be consumed since they are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which actually help to lover the blood fats in your body called triglycerides. |
Submitted by M S on March 16, 2009 at 12:21 | |
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