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Diet after gall bladder surgery
Three days before my mother underwent gall bladder stone operation. What kind of foods shall she consume now & tell me necessary precautions. Thank you.
Gall Bladder Diet Restrictions Gallbladder surgery is done in order to remove an infected gallbladder. Gallbladder stones which cause significant amount of abdominal discomfort may also require surgical treatment. It is possible for an individual to live a healthy diet without a gallbladder. However this does not mean that the gallbladder has no important role to play in the functioning of the body. The gallbladder stores bile which is produced by the liver. Bile helps in breaking down fats which are obtained from the food. In the absence of the gallbladder, the fat-rich foods cannot be digested easily. Bile is produced by the liver some time after food is consumed. During this time, the bile that is stored in the gallbladder is released and this helps in processing the fats. Therefore if the gallbladder has been removed, digestion will not occur in the proper manner. For this reason, a specific diet after gall bladder surgery is necessary. Following this diet will help to prevent gastrointestinal problems from occurring. Problems of the gallbladder such as gallstones usually occur due to high cholesterol levels. Therefore a gall bladder diet after surgery must exclude foods which increase cholesterol. One of the most important gall bladder diet restrictions is to avoid foods that are rich in fats. One should consume foods which do not place strain on the liver. Consuming foods that are easy to digest will help to prevent stomach problems. Those on a gall bladder surgery recovery diet must consume smaller meals at frequent intervals so that the process of digestion remains steady. Eating just three large meals may cause discomfort. Following surgery, the doctor will recommend a fat-free diet. Foods such as fat free yogurt and skimmed milk may be consumed. Those who eat meat should ensure that only white meat is consumed. Chicken or turkey should be lean and skinless. Also opt for cooking methods such as baking or grilling which do not make use of oil. The diet after gall bladder removal can include salads, but it is important to ensure that no oily or fatty salad dressings are used. Olive oil may be used as is contains essential omega 3 fatty acids. The diet after surgery should incorporate lots of ginger as it helps in fat digestion. Turmeric is also a good addition to meals as it improves bile secretion. Proper nutrition after gall bladder surgery is essential. Green leafy vegetables and whole grains should be incorporated into the diet as they are high in fiber and other nutrients. It is advisable to take supplements of garlic or fish oil as these are known to prevent cholesterol formation. All processed foods, sugary foods, carbonated drinks and junk foods should be completely avoided. One should also drink plenty of water and fluids so that the body stays hydrated and constipation does not occur. It is important to continue this diet even after recovery. Many people face the problem of weight gain after gallbladder surgery. This can be prevented by adhering to a low fat and healthy diet. |
Submitted by A V on March 3, 2011 at 04:06 | |
Diet after gall bladder surgery Nausea is one of the most common symptoms experienced by patients who have undergone gall bladder surgery. Clotting of blood can also be an expected symptom. Inflammations and swelling where the area was operated upon is also likely to take place. Such symptoms are known as post-cholecystectomy side-effects. In order to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of post gall bladder surgery side-effects, patients who have been will have to take extreme measures in curbing certain lifestyle related activities and dietary restrictions. |
Submitted by C N on April 9, 2008 at 12:26 | |
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