Healthy Diet Plans >> Questions Asked >> Underweight /Weight gain | |
Is underweight hereditary and exercise to gain weight
How do you know if you’re underweight? Is there an explanation about being thin? How true if it can be hereditary or in family genes. Do you have any suggestions regarding what exercise should be done
Being underweight maybe a consequence of eating problems, long lasting or recurrent disorders, and is becomes a major concern for those who are not in their optimum weight and health. In some cases, the slow loss of taste and smell over a period of time, or the incapability of preparing healthy servings and dishes, can ensue in an individual becoming thinner than normal. Being extremely thin can step-up an individual's chance of experiencing fatal disorders related to the heart and sometimes even cancer. People who are extremely thin are in the danger of becoming frail, and they are likely to experience an abnormal loss of bony tissue resulting in fragile porous bones and hip fractures. Ideally you would need to decide on the number of calories you have to consume to gain the required weight, and you can achieve this with the help of a body calculator. With the help of a dietitian or a nutritionist keep a diary or a tab of the amount and kind of foods you need to eat in order to gain weight. A diet plan will determine the number of calories you need to consume in a day and the number of portions in each food group to be consumed. Ideally you would need to eat around three large meals in a day and approximately 4 to 5 small healthy snacks. Increasing the consumption of unhealthy or fatty foods is not the ideal manner to increase weight. Instant and fast foods are replete with unhealthy trans-fats and saturated fats. The calories that you require to build mass must come from healthy foods that are beneficial for your health. Healthy foods that contain omega-3 essential fatty acids that are good for the body and boost health are foods such as tuna, salmon, flaxseeds, and dried nuts and seeds such as walnuts. Excellent origins of protein are meats that are lean, fresh fish, lean poultry, healthy nuts, edible seeds and legumes. For complex and healthy carbohydrate reply on fresh fruits, green and leafy vegetables and whole grain meals. Exercise is an important factor in building healthy weight. Resistance training fitness regime including weights training with weights is extremely beneficial in increasing the muscle size. Aerobic programs like jogging, bicycling are meant for those who wish to lose weight and hence excessive aerobic exercises may prove to be detrimental for your health. Gaining weight is a little more difficult than losing weight. Hence you would need to take that extra bit of patience in maintaining your diet and exercise schedule while enjoying healthy foods. |
Submitted by M S on August 1, 2008 at 12:19 | |
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