Medical Weight Loss Do you mean surgical weight loss? Adjustable gastric band is yet another effective method of weight loss. It involves the use of a device placed laparascopically on the upper stomach. It is easily loosened or tightened, which involves minimal surgical risks. Lap band surgery is considered safe, as it fails to have any cutting or suturing of the stomach and intestines.
The roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is a procedure that involves the restriction of the calories and the other nutrients absorbed by the body. A small pouch is created on the top of the stomach. This reduces the food intake and allows the food into the duodenum and jejunum. The weight loss is 60 to 80 per cent by this technique.
Biliopancreatic diversion or Scopianro procedure results in poor absorption of the nutrients from the food. Two thirds of the stomach is removed. The distance between the colon and stomach is reduced. The remaining part of the stomach is connected to the ileum. About 70 to 90 per cent weight loss is assured by this technique. Already existing morbities are automatically improved. The type of surgical procedure to be followed for weight loss, depends on individual needs and the presence of complications. Visit your physician for further guidance.