Safe Diet Pills All diet pills whether available over the counter in the markets or on the internet claim that they are completely safe, effective and best from the rest. So this becomes little confusing and tricky for a person who is actually seeking for the best diet pill on the planet to lose weight quickly. Firstly it would be very important for me to mention that the safety and effectiveness or the common side effects of a particular diet pill are not proved by any scientific research clearly. This is the reason you will find number of attractive testimonials on the internet sites but not any findings of a research to support these testimonials. Some diet pills can be completely safe for one person but for other it can cause severe fatty diarrhea, bloating and gastrointestinal distress.
Most of the diet pills work by boosting the metabolism and suppressing the appetite. Once a diet pill is stopped it can have certain psychological effects as you might get addicted to the fact that without them you might gain the weight back. Sadly almost all the diet pills would have some major or minor side effect according to a study reported in American Journal of Medicine. So it would be wise to consult a specialist or a health care professional for the correct guidance and recommendation before you start any over the counter or internet available diet pills.