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Advice on normal intake of calories
How much is the normal allowed intake of calories for an individual for a day.
Can low calorie diet work?If you want to bring about weight loss, one of the easiest methods to use is to follow a low calorie diet plan. When you consume a lesser number of calories than you use, weight will be lost. You should consume 1000–1800 calories, depending on the amount of weight you want to lose and your body type. When following a low calorie diet plan, it will be helpful for you to keep a journal. It will be good for you to know the kind of food you are eating before changes are made. Keep a track of all that you eat for around two weeks before starting your low calorie diet plan. Your low calorie lunch should include a variety of vegetables and fruits to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins. You could also add a cheese or turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread to give you long lasting energy. Plan a low calorie and well-balanced dinner to avoid getting hungry during the nighttime. Keep a stock of fresh vegetables, brown rice, poultry and fish for diet friendly and quick dinners. Steam your vegetables, bake your poultry or fish, and for dessert you can use fresh fruits for less than 500 calorie dinners. Make sure that your low calorie diet menu is planned well to ensure sufficient intake of nutrients and vitamins. |
Submitted by N on July 29, 2011 at 02:42 | |
What is considered low calorie?Low calorie diets can be made use of for many purposes including weight management and weight loss. For most individuals, a normal diet means taking in around 2000 calories in day. Therefore, a low calorie diet by definition would mean consuming 1500–1800 calories in a day. Diets that contain fewer than 1500 calories are considered to be very low calorie diets and should be done only under the guidance of a physician. Low calorie means 40 calories or less per serving. A low calorie lunch means taking in around 400 calories with the meal. Low calorie diets are mostly used for losing weight. By decreasing the amount of calories consumed each day, the individual will slowly lose weight. A single pound consists of 3,500 calories and by decreasing the diet by 500 calories per day you will be able to lose a pound in seven days. You cannot ensure optimum health with a low calorie diet alone. If your low calorie diet consists mainly of very little protein and unhealthy fat, health complications like heart disease could result. A low calorie diet that includes foods from each food group, particularly vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy will be most effective for optimum health. To follow a low calorie diet, you will need to know the number of calories present in the food. Packaged food usually has labels that you could refer to for information. |
Submitted by N on July 26, 2011 at 02:41 | |
Which is low calorie fish?
Some of the low calorie fish includes steamed cod fillets, monked fish, skate, lemon sole, and whiting. Oily fish usually tend to have a higher calorie content compared to white fish as they contain a lot of essential fatty acids that are beneficial in combating certain kinds of heart disease. Among the oily fish, the ones that are comparatively low in calories are the tuna and pilchard. You could also try preparing low calorie fish meals for which you can get the recipes on the Internet. Some of the dishes you can prepare are baked lemon sapper, tuna patties, balsamic salmon, and Hawaiian style salmon steaks. There are also some low calorie lunch recipes you can find on the Internet that involve the use of fish. |
Submitted by N on July 23, 2011 at 02:40 | |
Does low fat mean low calorie?Fat is one among the other six nutrients required by the body for optimum health. Therefore, low fat will mean a less amount of fat present in the food. On the other hand, a calorie is a unit of measurement just like an inch or teaspoon. The calories for each serving refer to the total content of calories in the foods ingredients by the size of the portions. A low fat diet that is high in carbs will not necessarily be a low calorie diet. Similarly, a low calorie diet that has many fats in it, may be unhealthy and unsuccessfully. Of the food groups, however, fats contain the most calories, and so, over the years, people have started using the two terms synonymously. Choosing a low fat or low calorie diet will depend on what you want to accomplish. You should figure out whether you are overweight because of consuming too much food (too many calories) or too much of the wrong kind of food (too many fats). A good way to follow a low fat calorie diet is by replacing the foods with high calorie content (fats included) with ones that have a smaller amount (lean protein and complex carbs). For example, you could replace evaporated whole milk with evaporated fat free or reduced fat milk. You could also replace sour cream with plain low-fat yogurt or granola with reduced-fat granola, oatmeal or crispy rice. You could try and get some low calorie lunch ideas on the Internet that you could make use of. |
Submitted by N on July 18, 2011 at 02:39 | |
Advice on normal intake of calories If you’re trying to lose weight, you know that, the secret is to create a calorie deficit. What this means is that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Alternately, you can measure your intake of calories per day and then plan an exercise routine that helps you burn at least 500 calories more than you consume. To keep this cycle going, you need to first understand your intake of calories per day. This means that you need to know how many calories to consume to maintain your current BMI or body mass index. Once you know your intake of calories per day you will have to formulate a way to burn them while keeping your calorific needs low. Recommended calorie intake The average daily intake of calories differs from person to person. The recommended daily intake of calories for men is 2500 calories. The recommended daily intake of calories for women is 2000 calories. This number for women increases to 2500 calories when she is in the third While burning calories is important for weight loss, do not go under 1000 calories per day. This is harmful for your body and you may be depriving it of essential nutrition. While various studies recommend an average daily intake of calories based on gender and lifestyle, it is important to get an idea of your personal intake of calories per day. Based on your weight, muscle mass and whether you follow an active or sedentary lifestyle, your calorific needs are bound to differ. Moreover, the intake of calories per day as suggested by research is based on a moderate active lifestyle. This may differ from person to person as well. Calculating calories Talk to your doctor or dietician to determine your calorific needs. Based on factors such as height, weight, gender, lifestyle, and so on, they can help you determine your intake of calories per day. They can also help you plan meals that will take care of your intake of calories per day. If you are combining exercise to burn calories along with your diet, you can use an online or digital calorie calculator. Do remember that while most calorie calculators will give you an approximate measure of calories burned during physical activity, this is in addition to calories burned during your day-to-day activities. With regular exercise and a balanced diet, it is possible to burn calories and shed the pounds. However, curb the temptation to drastically decrease your calories especially if you are overweight. Consult your doctor before you proceed with your diet and ensure that you are not suffering from any medical condition that could worsen with sudden weight loss. |
Submitted by C N on November 10, 2010 at 01:08 | |
Intake of calories per day
To keep this cycle going, you need to first understand your intake of calories per day. This means that you need to know how many calories to consume to maintain your current BMI or body mass index. Once you know your intake of calories per day you will have to formulate a way to burn them while keeping your calorific needs low. Recommended Calorie IntakeThe average daily intake of calories differs from person to person. The recommended daily intake of calories for men is 2500 calories. The recommended daily intake of calories for women is 2000 calories. This number for women increases to 2500 calories when she is in the third trimester of her pregnancy. While burning calories is important for weight loss, do not go under 1000 calories per day. This is harmful for your body and you may be depriving it of essential nutrition. While various studies recommend an average daily intake of calories based on gender and lifestyle, it is important to get an idea of your personal intake of calories per day. Based on your weight, muscle mass and whether you follow an active or sedentary lifestyle, your calorific needs are bound to differ. Moreover, the intake of calories per day as suggested by research is based on a moderate active lifestyle. This may differ from person to person as well. Calculating CaloriesTalk to your doctor or dietician to determine your calorific needs. Based on factors such as height, weight, gender, lifestyle, and so on, they can help you determine your intake of calories per day. They can also help you plan meals that will take care of your intake of calories per day. Most food packages prescribe the average calories consumed per serving/portion. Keeping count of calories consumed through the day will require reading these labels and keeping a tab on them. If you are combining exercise to burn calories along with your diet, you can use an online or digital calorie calculator. Do remember that while most calorie calculators will give you an approximate measure of calories burned during physical activity, this is in addition to calories burned during your day-to-day activities. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, it is possible to burn calories and shed the pounds. However, curb the temptation to drastically decrease your calories especially if you are overweight. Consult your doctor before you proceed with your diet and ensure that you are not suffering from any medical condition that could worsen with sudden weight loss. Losing weight is a combination of burning calories through physical activity and consuming calories needed to sustain your BMI or body mass index. If your goal is to achieve healthy weight loss, you must be able to create a calorie deficit by either exercising to burn more calories or consuming fewer calories. However, remember that while consuming fewer calories may help you lose weight, indiscriminate calorie deficit may also deprive your body of necessary nourishment. On the other hand, if you are trying to increase your weight, you may consider consuming healthy calories to build muscle mass. The consumption of empty calories from oily and fried or junk food may not benefit your body. What you need is calories from healthy foods that will help build muscle and not bulk. It is important to understand the normal daily calorie intake before following any haphazard methods like intense exercise or fad diets to reduce or increase calories. A daily calorie intake calculator will determine your measure of physical activity and take into account factors such as height, weight, sex, age and so on. It will then allow you to understand the calorific needs of your body based on these factors. The average daily calorie intake for men is approximately 2500 calories. It is about 2000 calories for women. This is an average recommendation, and the calorific needs would differ from person to person. This average daily calorie intake is also a standard measure for men following a moderate active lifestyle. Depending on whether your lifestyle is active or sedentary, this number might change. Calorie intake chart. You can talk to your doctor or dietician about your calorie needs. A nutritionist may be able to help you plan your calorie intake chart. A calorie chart will allow you to understand your calorie needs, and then help you make the right choices to fulfill them. Alternately, an online or digital daily calorie intake calculator may help you understand your specific calorie needs. Most calorie calculators will take into account an approximate measure of calories burned during exercise. However, even simple physical tasks like walking around the house or garden, climbing stairs, and cleaning or mowing can help you burn calories. If your aim is to burn more calories, do not decrease your normal daily calorie intake lower than 1000 calories. You could end up fatigued or and your body will show signs of decreased nutrition. For underweight individuals, your normal daily calorie intake will have to include a good measure of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates and fats should constitute 60 percent of their diet, while proteins and amino acids should complete the remaining 40 percent. Moderate intensity exercise and a well-balanced diet can help underweight individuals to put on healthy mass. Without adequate body weight and nutrition from the major food groups, these individuals may suffer from weakness and weight related issues. Further, if you are experiencing sudden or rapid weight loss, or if you are recuperating from a medical condition, ask your doctor before altering your diet. If you have a tendency to stay thin, you must again consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. If you fall under the category of ideal body weight, you can continue to consume food items from all major food groups in moderation. To maintain your ideal body weight, you may exercise regularly and consume sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, high fiber foods and so on. If you are overweight or obese, you must aim to reduce your calorie consumption and burn fat. Exercising regularly can melt away those pounds. Unhealthy eating habits may be stopping your from your weight loss. Snacking, excessive smoking, or binge drinking, erratic work schedules may be some causes of obesity. If you are obese or if you have never tried exercise before, consult your doctor and make sure that you do not suffer from any medical conditions that might worsen the situation. Start your workout gradually and choose a moderate intensity workout like walking or jogging. As you lose weight and gain confidence, you may move to more intense cardio or aerobic activities. Whether the goal is to lose or gain weight, a calorie intake chart will provide you with a daily structure to follow. You do not have to count calories on every single morsel you eat, but a general idea should help you acquire a healthy body weight. |
Submitted by E L on October 14, 2010 at 05:13 | |
Hi! Nice to know your quest for knowledge. It ranges from 1800 - 2300 calories for women and 2000 - 2500 calories for men. But, the recommended dietary allowance varies based on the gender, presence of diseases, activity pattern and age. Please furnish these details to help you better. For information on calorie imbalance, read our article at, |
Submitted by R K on June 18, 2007 at 07:26 | |
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