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Apple Patch Diet
What are the benefits of Apple Patch Diet?
Apple Patch DietThe apple patch diet is a diet that has been developed by an unverifiable healthcare company. It involves the application of a patch on the skin which is supposed to help reduce one’s weight. There is considerable controversy over whether the patch actually works or whether the effects are purely due to dietary changes and the placebo effect. The apple patch diet is based on the claim that the ingredients of the patch are designed to reduce one’s appetite while increasing the metabolic rate. In theory, both these factors will help a person lose weight as their intake reduces while their energy usage increases. The other aspect of the apple patch diet program is the use of naturally found stimulants. These stimulants are designed to boost the rate of metabolism. Metabolism is a process where nutrition is converted into energy and heat. The heat is used to maintain the body temperature while the energy is used to provide power to the body for the many different functions that occur within it. Faster metabolism means that the body will break down food faster and therefore fat will not be stored in as high a quantity as one would expect. This may promote a reduction in weight as the body turns to its fat surplus for energy, especially if nutrition is insufficient. The curious fact about the apple patch diet program is that it does not recommend any change in the food consumption pattern of the individual. A person who is overweight is often the victim of consuming foods that are unhealthy and therefore likely to lead to weight gain. If this continues, the apple patch diet may not work or may work temporarily and lose its effect the moment the patch stops being applied. The patch is supposed to be changed every three days. There is no clinical evidence to prove or disprove the claims that the apple patch diet program actually works. Because the sale of the patch is web based, there is no trace of the company that produces and promotes this product. In addition to this, the apple patches cannot be bought from a retail store or a pharmacy but can only be obtained through individual third party vendors and this is considered to be very suspicious. |
Submitted by M S on November 16, 2010 at 12:26 | |
Information on Apple Patch Diet
Submitted by E L on April 27, 2008 at 11:22 | |
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