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Spot jogging and brisk walking exercises for backache
Hello Sir, I am Gurpreet Singh. I am suffering from backache for some time. I have my L5 disc displaced. Please recommend exercises.
One of the exercises for backache especially for those with a herniated disc are abdominal isometrics wherein the person is required to pull in their stomach muscles by taking a deep breath and then hold their breath for as long as possible. This exercise may be performed either by standing, lying down or even sitting and should be repeated at least 10 times for best results. Another one of the exercises for backaches are curl ups or crunches which can be performed by lying flat on ones back with the knees bent and ones arms crossed and placed over their chest. Thereafter one should raise their shoulders and head upwards by curling their ribcage and then hold this position for at least four seconds before returning to the original position. Some of the other exercises for backache are hamstring stretches, lower back as well as hip stretches as well as swimming, walking or even performing some aerobic exercises. |
Submitted by N on September 13, 2011 at 11:54 | |
Does walking help sciatica?Sciatica pain is one of the most common back pains to suffer from and the anguish is experienced in the area between the lower back and behind the thigh, extending downwards towards the knee. Sciatica pain starts from the sciactic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body and originates from inside the spinal cord. Sciatica is most commonly the result of other medical ailments such as lumbar disc herniation that directly presses on the nerve. This is known as a pinched nerve. Walking for sciatica pain can be rather painful when you start off because it requires the direct involvement of the muscles around the sciatic nerve. Sciatica walking exercise will help develop the muscles around the affected area and prevent the development as well as worsening of the condition. Under normal circumstances, sciatica is known to resolve itself in the matter of a few weeks. Sciatica walking exercises are highly recommended as physical therapy routines in order to help develop the leg muscles to prevent a sciatica attack from developing in the future. Stretching exercises as well as the use of hot or cold packs are used to help relax the excited nerve while you should also consult your physiotherapist or doctor about any medication that may be required to speed things along. |
Submitted by N on September 2, 2011 at 03:45 | |
Is running good for lower back pain?Running is a very high intensity form of exercise that places a significant amount of stress on the lower back and can thus be one of the more common causes of medical ailments such as back spasms and chronic lower back pain. The pain in the lower back is primarily the result of the shockwaves travelling up through the spine during the constant pounding of the feet. While running is known to cause the development of lower back pain, you can continue to run as long as the back does not feel really bad after the run. In the event that the condition appears to be getting much worse, you should speak to a doctor about the same. When it comes to running for lower back pain or running for lower back spasm, the first thing you should do is cut back on your mileage as well as uphill running as soon as you start to experience significant discomfort. Changing your running shoes as well as using sports insoles can help increase the ease of running for lower back spasms and chronic back pain as well. Certain cases of back trouble, such as disc deterioration can only be dealt with surgery. Regular steam room treatment, hot baths as well as heat rubs are very beneficial when dealing with lower back pain. |
Submitted by N on September 1, 2011 at 03:40 | |
Does spot jogging burn calorie?It is easy to understand why so many people all over the world have started to take weight loss rather seriously. With an increasing number of people becoming more and more aware of the many dangers that obesity influences, it is important to make sure that you lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible. Calorie burning through means of exercise is a very important aspect of a healthy lifestyle and there are various weight loss and exercise routines that can help you achieve exactly what you are looking for. Spot jogging for burning calories is one of the most highly recommended forms of weight loss exercise that you could perform at home. Spot jogging for burning calories is especially highly recommended because there is no real preparation as well as equipment needed other than a comfortable pair of shoes. Moreover, spot jogging can be performed at any time and place – a huge advantage considering most of us lead very hectic and heavily scheduled lives. Spot jogging calories burned will depend on a number of variables such as your own weight, the speed with which you are jogging as well as the time frame for which the workout is being performed. Studies show that an individual weighing about 135 lbs, spot jogging for a period of about 45 minutes at a speed of 4 miles per hour will lose about 240 calories during that time frame. |
Submitted by N on August 31, 2011 at 03:38 | |
Can walking benefit joints?There are many joints in the body that may get stiff from time to time due to factors like age, lack of exercise and weight gain. Walking is one of the simplest exercises that can be performed by an individual with a minimal requirement of equipment. Walking ensures that the body burns energy at a steady rate. When it comes to the use of walking for joint health, one must understand a few important things. If one’s joints are damaged, walking can worsen the symptoms. Therefore it is important to take the opinion of a doctor before embarking on a walking fitness program. One must also use adequately cushioned shoes as these will absorb the jolts that are felt from hard paved ground. This is not necessary if one has access to an athletics track or to a grassy path to walk on. For stiffness related problems, it is essential to walk for joint pain. This will help to release the joints and also improve circulation to all areas of the legs. Knee joints are the most commonly painful joints followed by the hip joints and finally, the ankle joints. Knee joint damage is progressive and will necessitate a joint replacement surgery unless one takes care of the problem at a preliminary stage. |
Submitted by N on July 25, 2011 at 01:57 | |
The spine is embedded in muscles, which function as a cushion. Strong muscles help in the prevention of back pain. They act as a support to the lower back. It also decreases and eliminates back pain. Shortened muscles, injury to the area are some of the causes of back pain. Stretching the muscles helps in the prevention of back pain. It also decreases the risk of back pain. Commence back exercises with a warm up. Warming up exercises can be on an exercise bike, spot marching, spot jogging, and brisk walking and so on. This decreases the risk of muscle tear and increases the flexibility of the same. A number of exercises are listed below, which requires your physician's permission to continue. The piriformis stretch involves the stretching of muscles that are found behind the gluteal muscles. Sit on a chair and keep your left ankle over the right knee and bend forward. Hold in this position for thirty seconds and move to the next leg. The pelvic tilt is a stretching exercise for the lower back. Lie flat on the floor. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Tighten the abdomen and back and hold for about ten seconds. Leave and repeat. Chest stretch also helps in aversion of backache. Interlace your fingers at the back and bend your knees. Push yourself in the front and do not arch yourself. Shoulder stretch also helps. Stand erect and stretch your hands. Push forward and interlace your fingers. Hamstring stretch helps the back of the thigh and thereby pulls you out from back ache. Sit flat on the floor and place your right foot on the left knee. Bend to touch the foot, till a pull occurs at the hamstring. Wall back stretch is an exercise that helps the neck and back. Stand against the wall and push the back and the neck towards the wall. Do not stretch excessively. The cobra posture, which is similar to bhujangasana also proves effective in averting backaches. Lie flat on your abdomen, with your hands on the sides. Push your torso and arch up. Count till three and bring your torso to the floor. Repeat the same exercise ten times. Cat exercise is also effective. Stand like a cat on all fours and push your stomach to the floor and inhale. Bring your tummy up, as you exhale. Round your back like a cat and move to the front and back and stay in this position for a while, till tolerable. |
Submitted by M S on August 14, 2008 at 04:59 | |
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