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Fast heart rates are referred to as tachyarrhythmia
Why my heart rate runs between 100 and 122?
That is correct; fast heart rates are referred to as tachyarrhythmia. If your heart runs between 100 and 122, it is best you consult your doctor so that you can receive timely treatment. If you have a fast heart rate, it could be due to a number of reasons. It may be possible that you are anemic. Low amounts of iron in the blood could mean that you are not getting adequate amounts of oxygen to your cells, and your body is compensating this by speeding up your heart rate. If you are a woman, your fast heart rate could be due to a thyroid malfunction. Sweating a lot and getting tired easily are signs of hyperthyroidism, which could cause a fast heart rate. Your heart rate also increases after doing activities such as walking or running, so make sure you have checked your heart rate while you are resting or in a sitting position. Also see diet for heart patients |
Submitted by N on September 12, 2011 at 12:34 | |
Why heart beats fast after drinking alcohol?Many people complain of a fast heart beat after drinking alcohol and therefore it is important to understand why this happens. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause heart damage over a period of time and also lead to other problems such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, a weak and enlarged heart and rapid palpitations. Alcohol consumption can make the heart beat faster as it causes the blood flow to increase and the blood vessels to dilate. Just like diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption can also cause Hypoglycemia which can be another reason for a fast heart rate after drinking alcohol. Drinking especially on an empty stomach can cause blockages and prevent the liver from releasing glucose into the blood. This type of hypoglycemia can also result in heart palpitations after drinking. The relationship between drinking and heart palpitations is very evident in the case of heavy drinkers. People who consume too much alcohol always have very little glucose in their body and are therefore at a higher risk of developing conditions like hypoglycemia. Since the liver is engaged in processing the alcohol, the glucose production in the body slows down and this can cause the individual to experience a rapid heart beat. |
Submitted by N on July 28, 2011 at 01:46 | |
Why heart beats faster during pregnancy?The heart is the main pumping organ of the human body that is designed to pump blood to and from various parts of the body. Blood is used to transport nutrients and waste material. Blood is also used to fortify the body in terms of its immune response. Pregnancy is the period of 9 months when a fertilized egg grows into a baby ready to be born. Naturally, during this time, the mother’s body will be under some considerable strain. All pregnant women should have a doctor who checks their vital signs regularly to make sure that the pregnancy is progressing properly. Fast heart beat during pregnancy is not necessarily a bad thing. The mother’s body may raise its heart rate marginally to deal with the strain of the pregnancy. What is disturbing is when the heart rate goes extremely high. This is particularly worrisome if it happens all of a sudden. In such a situation, the woman must relax as much as possible. A doctor may be consulted to check what to do at this stage. Continuous rapid heartbeat can damage the body of the mother as well as the unborn child. It should therefore be treated as a serious condition although it may not qualify as an emergency situation. |
Submitted by N on July 24, 2011 at 01:45 | |
Why heart beats faster after eating?One of the primary reasons for a fast heart beat after eating is that the process of digestion increases the demand of oxygen in the body and therefore the heart has to work harder to pump this additional oxygen. Although a faster heartbeat could be caused due to digestion demands it could also be an indicator of problems with the lungs, heart or the circulation. Some people even experience a fast pulse rate after eating sugar. This basically means that their sugar intake could be causing an adrenalin rush which is making the heart beat faster. Rapid palpitations are common after heavy meals which involve carbohydrate rich, fatty and sugary foods. Even foods which have higher content of sodium and oil can cause a fast pulse rate. People who have diabetes, food sensitivity or are overweight can also experience fast pulse rate after eating sugar. A fast heartbeat after eating during pregnancy can also be attributed to the fact that the digestion process causes the heart to beat faster in order to pump more blood and oxygen for both the mother and the baby. However in some cases it could even be an indicator of gestational diabetes and should be reported to the doctor at the earliest. |
Submitted by N on July 15, 2011 at 01:00 | |
Why heart beats faster during exercise?Exercise is the process of making the body work hard in order to burn energy. Exercise is also used to stress and strain the body so that muscle development takes place. The cells and tissues of the body need oxygen and food to produce energy. These materials are transported around the body through the blood. The cells and tissues of the body that work also produce waste products that need to be taken away from them. This waste removal also takes place through the blood. The heart is the main pumping organ of the body that is designed to pump blood to and from various parts of the body. When one exercises, the body demands more energy be produced. This is simply because more energy is being used. When this happens, the heart has to pump harder so that the quantity of blood flowing through it is increased. This is the reason why one experiences a fast heart beat during exercise. This is also good for cardiac health as it helps to improve the efficiency of the muscles of the heart. This is one reason why running and other endurance exercises are known as cardio exercises. People who exercise regularly tend to have improved cardiac health. |
Submitted by N on July 8, 2011 at 12:59 | |
The number of heart beats in a minute is referred to as heart rate. It is denoted as beats per minute (bpm) and is around 70 in males and 75 in females. The level varies between individuals and is much lesser in athletes. It is as high as 100 to 130 bpm in toddlers and 90 to 110 bpm in older children. Pulse is one of the ways to determine heart rate. It is not completely effective, as it is not accurate. Stethoscope is the best way to determine heart beat and this procedure is referred to as ausculation. Fast heart rates are referred to as tachyarrhythmia. When the heart rate is higher than 100 bpm, it is tachycardia. When the range is above 350 bpm, it is fibrillation. Increase in heart rate is attributed to an array of factors, namely, stress, anxiety and arousal. It is at times common, when the individual performs exercise. It is considered abnormal and life threatening in the case of cardiac arrhythmias. Rapid heart beat or palpitations are commonly associated symptoms of tachycardia. Dizziness, fainting, breathlessness and chest pain are the other typical symptoms. Tachycardia is dangerous and life threatening, as it affects the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The myocardium has less time to relax and rest, thereby decreasing the effectiveness of blood pumped. The heart's requirement for nutrients and oxygen increases with increase in heart rate. This results in breathlessness. Angina is also common in individuals suffering from ischemic heart disease. Hyperthyroidism is yet another cause of tachycardia. Tachycardia is classified on the basis of its origin. There is ventricular tachycardia, sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, junctional tachycardia and so on. Treatment of arrhythmia involves the use of anti arrhythmic, heart rate control drugs and by electrical conversion. Electrical conversion and anti arrhythmics are of great use in the treatment of ventricular tachycardia. In the case of sinus tachycardia, the aetiology is identified. Tachycardia at rest is harmful. It is also seen in individuals with myocardial infarction or heart attack. Congenital defects, lung disease and coronary artery disease are the other causes of tachycardia or increase in heart beat. A healthy and balanced diet with regular exercise proves beneficial. Low fat diet with complex carbohydrates, as in fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals are helpful. A healthy lifestyle devoid of smoking and alcohol is recommended. Avoid stress and related factors. Obesity is overcome by weight maintenance. |
Submitted by M S on August 14, 2008 at 04:59 | |
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