Warm Cabbage Salad Recipe | Quick Salad Recipes | Quick Meals

By | May 24, 2010

Warm Cabbage Salad Recipe

No. of Servings:  3
Preparation time:    10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

Healthy Ingredients:
Chili pepper – 1 ; Green, steamed
Peanut oil – 1 tablespoon
Cracked black pepper – ¼ tablespoon
Mustard seeds – ½ tbsp
Roasted hazelnuts – 1 tbsp; chopped
Salt – to taste ; roughly ¼ tablespoon
Cumin seeds – ¼ teaspoon
Green cabbage – 2 cups ; finely chopped
Lemon juice – 7.5 ml


  1. Start making this salad by using a vessel like a wok in order to heat the peanut oil. Use a medium-high heat and continue till it ripples as the skillet or wok is tilted back.
  2. Now one has to put in the mustard as well as the cumin. With the sizzling and spluttering of these two seeds, it is time to add the chili pepper.
  3. Cook this for about a minute while stirring.
  4. Now it is time for the cabbage to be added. It will take about five minutes to coat the cabbage while stir frying. The cabbage starts glistening because of the peanut oil and the seeds.
  5. Season this delicious warm salad once the wok has been taken away from the heat. Use salt and pepper and finally add some lemon juice on top.
  6. Put this cabbage salad in another shallow dish to serve. Don’t forget to add the hazelnuts by folding them in and serve at once.

Nutritional Information: (Amounts per serving)

  • ENERGY 72 cal
  • PROTEIN 2 gm
  • FAT(total) 6.3 gm
  • SODIUM 200 mg

Health tips:

  • This salad may be served with things like flat bread or pilaf. You can choose healthy breadsticks to satisfy your hunger and keep the calories in check. This is a great way of filling up before a meal so that you do not go overboard on the gravies, creams and other unhealthy parts of your meals. If you eat sensibly and eat the healthy bread with the salad, you could occasionally make this a quick meal if you are in a hurry.
  • If you prefer, you could opt for olive oil instead of the peanut oil. Health conscious people prefer the extra virgin variety of olive oil.
  • You can garnish with other chopped nuts as well, in order to add nutrition and variety to this warm salad. For instance, in addition to the hazelnuts, you could add a little chopped walnut to your warm cabbage salad.